(optional and language-dependent) I additionally removed line 127 (the tab character) because my editor does auto-formatting with tab characters, and unexpected results were generated if Dasher inserted a tab character and then attempted to delete that character with the backspace key (which it regularly does if you take a “shortcut” to the character you want through another box). Remove the section labeled “Combining accents” (lines 13 through 27) Change line 9 by replacing ‘training_english_GB.txt’ with the filename for your training text.

Change line 5 so that the text in double quotes is the name of your language (this will be shown in that the user interface). xml, and open the file in a plain text editor. Several of the tools that I’m using have potentially much broader applications.

How to change your cursor back to default tumblr how to#
(To my knowledge, no one else has documented how to do this.) However, even if you have no desire to write Python with your eyes, you might still want to skim the rest of this. I’m going to write this in the general style of a how-to guide, in case any of my readers actually want to copy my set up. Good question! And I’m going to answer it with the rest of this post. ( I’ve written about this type of eye tracking device before, and you can also look at Tobii’s website.) It’s a consumer-level eye tracker which mounts to the bottom of my computer monitor and connects to my computer via USB 3.0. More specifically, I’m using an eye tracking device called the Tobii EyeX. I have actually been writing computer programs with my eyes (and a few voice commands thrown in here and there).